Business, Defense, Devil's Advocate, Humans, MEDIUM Articles, Mobile and Device, Personal Security, Privacy, Software
Check out my latest article on MEDIUM: Is it even possible to be “completely secure”?
Defense, Devil's Advocate, MEDIUM Articles, Privacy, Tech
Check out my latest article on MEDIUM: Cybersecurity Trends for 2019 — The Good and The Bad
Business, Career, Conferences, enterprise, Humans, Media, professionals, Social Skills, Talks, Tips
The first published recording of “Social Engineering At Work – How to use positive influence to gain management buy-in for anything”. Recorded at DerbyCon 2018, also presented at Social Engineering Rhode Island, GRRCon, CircleCityCon, BSM, etc....
Business, Career, Humans, Social Engineering, Social Skills
I speak about using “Social Engineering at work” – how to gain and utilize positive influence to get things done – to help others learn how to play “the corporate game”, how to not lose themselves when practicing good office...
Defense, Humans, Personal Security, Tech, Travel, Women in Tech
Introduction I travel a lot, sometimes alone. I have left hotels almost immediately after checking in because I felt unsafe with the accommodations. Sometimes a hotel will assign a room to two people by mistake, and one person walks in on the other using a valid key...
Hacking, Hak5, Social Engineering, Tech
This post will explain how to setup Internet Access for a Hak5 WiFi Pineapple using a USB WiFi adapter connected directly to the Pineapple. By connecting a USB WiFi adapter, you add “wlan2” to the ports available for connections. The new...
Humans, OSINT, Social Engineering