Promotional Graphics:

My YouTube Channel:

Videos of me:

CactusCon 9 2020 Keynote – Personal Branding – Safely (Protect yourself from a world of creeps and criminals)

CactusCon 9 2020 Keynote: Live Q&A

The Insecure Software Development Lifecycle: How To Find, Fix, And Manage Deficiencies Within An Existing Methodology

O’Reilly Velocity Conference – Deepfakes: If anything can be real, than nothing is real

Social Engineering At Work – How to use positive influence to gain management buy-in for anything

Orange is the New Purple

Digital Separation: Reclaiming Your Data and Privacy, Post-Relationship

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) 101

Next is theeeee best intro I’ve ever been given – @ShowMeConSTL 2018:

Audio with me:

Articles written by me:

  • “Is it even possible to be “completely secure”?” –
  • “Deepfakes and Deep Video Portraits — What are they and what is the difference?” –

  • Non-Videos / Written articles and blogs featuring me:

    Random Stuff: